Select entry :

  1. ṭābu : [Moral life → Quality]  1) good , good-tasting , palatable , yummy , aromatic , fragrant , sweet , fresh ; 2) pleasant , pleasing , fine , satisfatory , proper , comfortable ; 3) kind , gentle , friendly , benevolent , happy , content , satisfied , gracious , well-meaning ; 4) auspicious , favorable , opportune , advantageous , beneficial , helpful , serviceable , useful , comfortable , nice , easy
  2. Abu : [Time → Month]  Ab, fifth month of the year (approximately July-August)
  3. abu : [Human → Family]  1) a father ; 2) an ancestor , a forefather ;
  4. lā ṭābu : [Moral life → Fault]  unfavourable , unfavorable , disadvantageous , critical , inappropriate (?) , inauspicious (?) ;
  5. raṭābu : G. to be damp ; to be fresh (fruits) D. to moisten