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  1. banû (4) : [Industry]  1) to create , to build ; 2) (deity) : to create (a person, grain , creation ...) ; 3) (person) : to engender (a child) , to sire , to make (a figurine) , to build (house, boat) ; 4) (mathematics) : 1) to construct ; 2) a shape , a form of feature (geometrical ...) ; 5) D : : to erect (a city)
  2. banû B * , damāqu : to be(come) beautiful
  3. banû : to build
  4. banû : G. to be(come) good, beautiful D. to make good, beautiful ; to look after s.o. respectfully
  5. bānû : [Professions]  maker, builder, creator ;