qatû (2)  [TIL : ]


1) to come to an end , to finish (time, travel, life ...) , to be finished / completed (work, building ...) ; 2) to be exhausted (person, resource) , to run out (resource, drink ...) , to (almost) die / to be finished ; 3) : (stative) : to be totally devoted to the king ; lā qatê : endlessly , ceaselessly ; 4) D : to bring to an end , to destroy (person, land) , to use up completely (food, water ...) , to complete (a meal, sleep) ; : ina eṣēdi uqtatattû : (grain) has been fully harvested / reaped ;

Cf. qatû (1)

See also : qatûtu, qītu, quttû, quttûtum, taqtītu