pašāḫu  [SED : ]  ( ; : (imperative) pišaḫ)

[Moral life → Feelings]

to be tranquil / calm / peaceful / relaxed / at ease , to rest , to relax , to calm down , to cool down , to ease off , to abate / subside , to feel better , to find relief , to be relieved ; Š : to calm , to sedate , to soothe , to allay , to alleviate , to ease , to relieve ; Gtn : to repeatedly gain (sexual) relief ; D : to pacify , to appease , to give relief to an invalid , to allow a conconction to stand / cool off ; Š : to cause / allow to rest , to calm / pacify (the heart libbu / the mood kabattu) , to assuage , to allay , to unstring (a bow) ; lā pašāḫi : incurable ;

Cf. pašīqu, pašīqūtu, pašīqatti, pašāḫu, napāšu