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  1. (w)erû : [Nature → Minerals]  copper ; :
  2. aban šaddî : [Nature → Minerals]  mountain rock ;
  3. akṣu : [Army → War]  (ennemy, mountains , illness) : brazen , insolent , cheeky , impudent , sassy (?) , dangerous , racy , perilous , risky , hazardous , daredevil (?) ;
  4. armannu : [Country → Trees]  apricot tree (?) , apricot , kind of pomegranate , "mountain apple" ; : branch used as a drug , kernel used as perfume ;
  5. bētānu : [City → Hotel]  1) in the house , inside ; 2) (noun) : inside / interior (palace, temple, mountain valley) , women's area (gynaeceum) ; [ana bētāni] : (adverb) inwardly , inwards ; [ina bētāni] : indoors , under shelter (of the house) ; [ša bētāni] : (adjective) inner , internal ; [ša-muḫḫi-bētāni] : chamberlain ; [bētāniāti] : innards , inner parts / internal organs , intestines ;
  6. biblu : 1) the action of bringing ; 2) things brought ; 3) marriage gifts / presents ; 4) field, mountain : yield , produce ; 5) river : high water , flood , ; 6) moon : the state of being removed / being invisible , invisibility of the moon , the new moon (?)
  7. bišimtu : formation , shape , product
  8. dišpu : [Feeding → Drink]  1) honey ; :
  9. durgu : [Humanities → Geography]  innermost , at the core -central part- (of mountainous terrain, foundations) [ša durgu -šu Aššur] : who is of pure Assyrian descent
  10. ellu : [Religion]  1) water, oil : pure, clean, pristine, unpolluted, clear ; 2) metal, stone : bright, shining ; 3) mountain, forest, onions, hands, person, incantation, place, temple, offering, wine : ritually clean / pure , holy ; 4) noun : substantive for : a priest ; 5) : a social class : free , a free man ; pure, holy ;
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