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  1. narmuku : [Human → Hygiene]  1) : a bath-tub ; 2) : a washbasin , a wash-bowl , a sink ;
  2. nekelmû * : [Moral life → Feelings]  to frown , to glare , to scowl , to glower , to look at angrily
  3. sibibiānu : [Country → Plants]  black cummin ;
  4. ṣalāmu : G. to be, become dark D. to make black, blacken Dt. to be darkened, obscured (Astronomy) Š. to cause to become dark
  5. ṣalintu : [Human being]  a black woman ;
  6. ṣallamu : [Colors]  1) black , very dark ; 2) person, sheep, donkey ... : black ;
  7. ṣallāmum : [Colors]  pack-asses, kind of copper : black ;
  8. ṣalmāt qaqqadi : [Humanities → Geography]  "the black_headed ones" / mankind ;
  9. ṣalmu (1) : [Colors]  black, dark
  10. ṣalmu B : [Colors]  dark , black
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