Eastern Syriac :ܬܵܟܵܟܵܐ
Western Syriac :ܬܳܟܳܟܳܐ
Eastern phonetic :ta: ' ka: ka:
Category :noun
[Country → Plants]
English :1) a creeping melon-plant ; 2) see ܟܲܢܵܐ / ܟܲܢܬܵܐ / ܩܘܿܚܵܐ / ܫܵܩܵܐ ; plant, flower, grapes, fruit : a stalk / the main stem of a herbaceous plant , a stem on which melons, marrows and cucumbers grow ;
French :1) un melon grimpant ; 2) voir ܟܲܢܵܐ / ܟܲܢܬܵܐ / ܩܘܿܚܵܐ / ܫܵܩܵܐ ; plante, fleur, raisin, fruit : une tige sur laquelle melons, courge et concombres poussent ;
Dialect :Urmiah

See also : ܬܝܼܵܐ, ܩܲܨܠܵܐ, ܟܘܼܠܵܫ, ܣܲܬܵܐ, ܬܵܢܵܐ, ܬܵܢܵܗ, ܟܲܢܵܐ, ܟܲܢܬܵܐ, ܩܘܿܚܵܐ, ܫܵܩܵܐ

this masculine word is of Azeri / Turkish origin

mot masculin d'origine azérie / turque

Source : Oraham, Bailis Shamun

Origin : Turkish