Eastern Syriac :ܛܵܘܡ
Western Syriac :ܛܳܘܡ
Root :ܛܥܡ
Eastern phonetic :' ṭo:m
Category :noun
[Sport → Hunting]
English :Tergawar : an ambush set for foxes , a hunter's camouflaged shelter ;
French :Tergawar : un piège à renards , un abri camouflé de chasseur ;
Dialect :Other

Cf. ܛܥܡ, ܛܥܘܼܡܵܐ

a hut built of snow or a hole dug in the earth and roofed in with snow in which a man stays at night and from a hole in the side shoots the animal for which a bait is laid

cabane de neige ou trou dans le sol recouvert de neige, dans lequel le chasseur attend la nuit et tire sur l'animal attiré par un appât