Eastern Syriac :ܟܵܢܹܐ
Western Syriac :ܟܳܢܶܐ
Root :ܟܢܐ
Eastern phonetic :' ka: né
Category :verb
[Human → Speech]
English :transitive ; see also ܫܲܡܸܗ / ܫܲܡܹܐ / ܩܵܪܹܐ : to style / to give a name to , to call / to designate by an identifying term , to nickname / to name , to tag / to label / to brand / to provide with an epithet or a name "has-been" ... , to surname / to dub / to nominate , to title / to entitle a book, a day ... , formal ; giving a Christian name : to christen (?) / to baptize (?) / to baptise (?) ;
French :transitif ; voir aussi ܫܲܡܸܗ / ܫܲܡܹܐ / ܩܵܪܹܐ : donner un nom à , appeler / nommer , surnommer , qualifier quelqu'un de "le balafré" ... / étiqueter / désigner par un terme distinctif / baptiser sens figué ; un navire ... , surnommer / donner une appellation à / intituler ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Cf. ܟܢܐ, ܟܘܼܢܵܝܵܐ, ܡܟܲܢܝܵܢܘܼܬܵܐ, ܟܸܢܝܵܢܵܐ, ܟܲܢܘܼܝܹܐ, ܟܲܢܹܐ, ܟܲܢܝܘܼܬܵܐ

Variants : ܟܢܵܝܵܐ

See also : ܫܲܡܸܗ, ܫܲܡܘܼܗܹܐ, ܫܲܡܹܐ, ܫܲܡܘܼܝܹܐ, ܩܵܪܹܐ, ܩܪܵܝܵܐ

also ܟܲܢܹܐ

aussi ܟܲܢܹܐ

Source : Bailis Shamun