Select entry :

  1. ܢܵܐܹܣ : to sting, or bite (as by insects)
  2. ܢܵܐܹܣ : intransitive ; voir aussi ܢܵܬܹܥ / ܪܵܥܹܠ / ܢܵܙܹܠ / ܪܵܘܹܛ / ܢܵܛܹܠ / ܕܲܢܕܸܠ : 1) to oscillate , to move back and forth in a regular way , to swing from side to side / back and forth , to sway , to swing backwards and forwards , to swing to and fro , to wigwag ; 2) to vibrate , to buzz ; 3) see also ܙܵܝܹܥ / ܪܵܥܹܠ / ܣܵܪܹܕ / ܪܲܬܪܸܬ / ܪܵܓܹܕ : to shake / to tremble , to shiver from fright ... , to shudder from cold (?) , sail : to shudder (?) ;