Select entry :

  1. ina qāti manû * : to deliver , to hand over
  2. manû (2) : [Measures → Weight]  mina (60 shekels ; approx. 500 g)
  3. manû (4) : [Measures]  G. to count, reckon, list ; to calculate , to wait a number of days ; to charge, debit ; to recite , to enumerate , to list ; to consider as (+ana, -iš) ; to count among (+itti) ; to change into sth. D = G Š. to cause to count ; to cause to deliver N. to be counted, calculated ; to be delivered
  4. manû dannu : [Measures → Weight]  "heavy" mina (about 1 kilogram)
  5. manû qallu : [Measures → Weight]  "light" mina (about 500 gram)