Eastern Syriac :ܢܥܵܨܵܐ
Western Syriac :ܢܥܳܨܳܐ
Root :ܢܐܨ
Eastern phonetic :n ' a: ṣa:
Category :verb
English :transitive ; see also ܕܵܒܹܨ / ܥܲܩܸܣ / ܢܵܟܹܬ / ܢܵܥܹܨ / ܢܵܐܹܨ : to sting / to prick painfully , to wound / to pierce with a poisonous or irrating process ; insect, snake, plant ... , figurative sense ; hail, remorse, words ...? : to affect with sharp quick pain (?) / to smart (?) , to cause to suffer acutely (?) / to hurt emotionally (?) , to prick to the quick (?) / to touch on the raw (?) / to cut to the quick (?) ;
French :transitif ; voir aussi ܕܵܒܹܨ / ܥܲܩܸܣ / ܢܵܟܹܬ / ܢܵܥܹܨ / ܢܵܐܹܨ ; insecte, serpent, plante ... : piquer / mordre , darder / piquer avec un dard , sens figuré ; grêle, remords, paroles blessantes ...? : cingler (?) / fouetter (?) / infliger une douleur cuisante / irritante (?) / brûler (?) / picoter fumée ... (?) , faire beaucoup souffrir (?) / blesser émotionnellement (?) / faire mal (?) / piquer au vif (?) / offenser (?) ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Cf. ܢܐܨ, ܢܵܥܹܨ, ܢܵܐܸܨ, ܢܵܐܹܨ, ܢܝܵܨܵܐ, ܢܵܥܹܨ

See also : ܢܟܬ, ܕܵܒܹܨ, ܕܒ݂ܵܨܵܐ, ܥܲܩܸܣ, ܥܲܩܘܼܣܹܐ, ܢܵܟܹܬ, ܢܟ݂ܵܬܵܐ, ܡܲܠܸܓ̰, ܡܲܠܘܼܓ̰ܹܐ, ܢܝܵܨܵܐ

Source : Oraham, Bailis Shamun

Origin : Akkadian